Hi, I am currently working as an Assistant Lecturer at the Electronic Engineering and Communication Department, at South East Technological University, Ireland. I completed my Ph.D. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from University College Dublin, Ireland in 2021. I have a M.Tech. and B.Tech. in Electronics and Communication Engineering from IIIT-Delhi and VIT Vellore, India.
Right after my PhD I joined Intel Research and Development Ireland (Intel Corporation) as a Wafer Sort Product Developement Engineer (specilized in Scan Testing). Worked to qualify their flagship products to the market.
Prior to my Ph.D. I was a Embedded Software Developer in an amazing Hydraulic Engineering company, and there worked with a large team which constitutes Mechanical, Electronics, and Civil Engineers.
I have co-authored 22 (and counting) research items (Research Papers + Patents + Research Demos) in the area of Machine Learning, Wireless Communication, IoT, Ambient Assisted Living and served as a reviewer and TPC member in Flagship Conferences and Journals.
My Recognized Skillsets (however, not limited to): Programming Desktop/Embedded Applications (.NET) (C/C++/C#/R/LabVIEW/MATLAB/Python), Electronics Circuit Design, Statistical Analysis, Applied Machine Learning, Software Defined Radio and technical writing.
Publications (Peer Reviewed)
7 Journal Papers, 10 Conference Papers, 3 Book Chapters and 2 Research Demos.
C10 V.K. Singh, "Memory-Efficient Neural Network Deployment Methodology for Low-RAM Microcontrollers Using Quantization and Layer-Wise Model Partitioning," in 2024 IEEE Pune Section International Conference (IEEE PuneCon 2024), IEEE.
doi: TBA [H5-Index:14].
J7 P. Yadav, O. Rigo, C. Arvieu, V.K. Singh, and E. Lacoste, "Data processing techniques for in-situ monitoring in L-PBF process," in Journal of Manufacturing Processes, Elsevier.
doi: 10.1016/j.jmapro.2022.06.062 [IF:5.684] [H5-Index:62].
J6 V. K. Singh, N.Upadhyay, M. Flanagan and B. Cardiff, "Supervised Learning and Frequency Domain Averaging Based Adaptive Channel Estimation Scheme for FBMC-OQAM," in ETRI Journal, Wiley.
doi: 10.4218/etrij.2020-0099 [IF:1.622] [H5-Index:21].
C9 V. K. Singh, M. Flanagan and B. Cardiff, "Maximum Likelihood Channel Path Detection and MMSE Channel Estimation in OTFS Systems," in IEEE 92nd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), IEEE.
doi: 10.1109/VTC2020-Fall49728.2020.9348590 [H5-Index:42].
C8 S. Mishra, R. Bajpai, N. Gupta, and V. K. Singh, "Machine Learning and Caching based Efficient Data Retrieval Framework," in 14th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems (ANTS), IEEE.
doi: 10.1109/ANTS50601.2020.9342790 [H5-Index:13].
C7 V. K. Singh, H. Chandna, A. Kumar, N. Upadhyay and K. Utkarsh, "Internet of Things Based Flexible Architectures for Public Distribution System in Lockdown Situations," in 9th International Conference System Modeling and Advancement in Research Trends (SMART), IEEE. doi: 10.1109/SMART50582.2020.9337104[H5-Index:10].
J5 P. Yadav, V. K. Singh, T. Joffre, O. Rigo, C. Arvieu, E. L. Guen and E. Lacoste, "InāLine Drift Detection Using Monitoring Systems and Machine Learning In Selective Laser Melting," in Advanced Engineering Materials, Wiley.
doi: 10.1002/adem.202000660[IF:4.122] [H5-Index:57].
J4 V. K. Singh, H. Chandna, A. Kumar, N. Upadhyay and K. Utkarsh, "IoT-Q-Band: A low cost internet of things based wearable band to detect and track absconding COVID-19 quarantine subjects," in EAI Endorsed Transactions on Internet of Things.
doi: 10.4108/eai.13-7-2018.163997.
C6 V. K. Singh, N. Upadhyay and N. Gupta, "A Low Overhead Frame Configuration for Improved Preamble Based Channel Estimation in FBMC-OQAM," in 13th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems (ANTS), IEEE.
doi: 10.1109/ANTS47819.2019.9118138 [H5-Index:14].
J3 V. K. Singh, H. Chandna and N. Upadhyay, "SmartPPM: An Internet of Things Based Smart Helmet Design for Potholes and Air Pollution Monitoring," in EAI Endorsed Transactions on Internet of Things.
doi: 10.4108/eai.13-7-2018.163833.
J2 V. K. Singh, M. Flanagan and B. Cardiff, "Generalized Least Squares Based Channel Estimation for FBMC-OQAM," in IEEE Access.
doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2939674 [IF:3.476] [H5-Index:200].
C5 V. K. Singh, M. Flanagan and B. Cardiff, "Generalized Least Squares Based Channel Estimation for High Data Rate FBMC-OQAM," in 25th International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT), IEEE.
doi: 10.1109/ICT.2018.8464892 [H5-Index:19].
C4 V. K. Singh, M. Flanagan and B. Cardiff, "On Symmetry Properties of Intrinsic Interference in FBMC-OQAM Systems," in 29th Irish Signals and Systems Conference (ISSC), IEEE.
doi: 10.1109/ISSC.2018.8585379 [H5-Index:12].
B3 N. Upadhyay, S. Urooj and V. K. Singh, "A Simulink-Based Closed Loop Current Control of Photovoltaic Inverter," in Information Systems Design and Intelligent Applications (INDIA-2017). Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 672, Springer.
doi: 10.1007/978-981-10-7512-4_56 [H5-Index:27].
C3 N. Gupta, V. K. Singh, S. Sharma and V. Bohara, "Testbed implementation and proof-of-concept demonstration for cooperative device-to-device communication framework," in 11th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems (ANTS), IEEE.
doi: 10.1109/ANTS.2017.8384087 [H5-Index:14].
B2 N. Upadhyay, V. K. Singh, and S. Urooj, "Closed Loop Voltage Control Design For Photovoltaic Inverter," in 3rd International Conference on Nanotechnology for Instrumentation & Measurement Workshop (NANOfiM).
ISBN (10 & 13): 9386724189, 9789386724182: Chapter 154.
B1 N. Gupta, V. Bohara, and V. K. Singh, "Design and Measurement Results for Cooperative Device to Device Communication," in Resource Allocation in Next-Generation Broadband Wireless Access Networks, IGI Global.
doi: 10.4018/978-1-5225-2023-8.ch004: ISBN (10 & 13):1522520236, 9781522520238.
C2 V. K. Singh, H. Chawla, and V. Bohara, "Measurement results for direct and single hop device-to-device communication protocol," in 5th International Conference on Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), IEEE.
doi: 10.1109/ICACCI.2016.7732435 [H5-Index:27].
J1 M. Gulati, V. K. Singh, S. Agarwal and V. Bohara, "Appliance Activity Recognition Using Radio Frequency Interference Emissions," in IEEE Sensors Journal.
doi: 10.1109/JSEN.2016.2578937 [IF:4.325] [H5-Index:78].
RD2 V. K. Singh, H. Chawla, and V. Bohara, "A Proof-of-Concept Device-to-Device Communication Testbed," in 8th International Conference on Communication Systems & Networks (COMSNETS-2016).
doi: arXiv:1601.01398 [H5-Index:19].
C1 V. K. Singh, S. Baghoriya, and V. Bohara, "HELPER: A home assisted and cost effective living system for people with disabilities and homebound elderly," in 26th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), IEEE.
doi: 10.1109/PIMRC.2015.7343647 [H5-Index:30].
RD1 V. K. Singh, H. Chawla, and V. Bohara, "Monitomation: A novel design for Smart Wireless Monitoring, Messaging & Task Automation," in 7th International Conference on Communication Systems & Networks (COMSNETS-2015).
doi: arXiv:1501.04865 [H5-Index:19].
Abbreviations JK: Kth Journal Paper, RDK: Kth Reserach Demo, CK: Kth Conference Paper, and BK: Kth Book Chapter.